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How is glare controlled on LED panels?
2021-06-02 14:45:41
In a good quality LED panel, there are three main components behind the diffuser:
LED strips that generate the light
A ‘Light Guide Plate’ that takes the light and directs it towards the diffuser
2. A reflective sheet that reflects stray light within the panel back towards the Light Guide Plate
The standard construction of LED panels results in a wide beam angle of 120°, and for some installations this can lead to UGR levels greater than those specified in BSEN 12464: 2002. The solution to this is a special diffuser that narrows the beam angle of the LED panel – just like the louvres on a CAT2 luminaire. An added advantage of this is that because the light is directed more to where it is needed, additional energy savings can sometimes be obtained.
What to know about UGR19 LED Panels
Also known as UGR<19 LED panels, these are designed to assist with obtaining a UGR19 rating in an installation, they are not a guarantee of obtaining it, as the UGR rating obtained is installation specific.
UGR ratings in actual installations
Recommended UGR ratings are shown below:
UGR Rating
UGR ≤ 16
Technical drawing
UGR ≤ 19
Reading, writing, training, meetings, PC based work
UGR ≤ 22
Craft and light industries
UGR ≤ 25
Heavy industry
UGR ≤ 28
Railway platforms, foyers
The actual UGR calculation is performed with software such as RELUX or DIALUX. The software is used to create a 3-D model of the room with lighting and considers many factors including room usage, room dimensions, room colours, luminaire mounting height, number of luminaires, amount of light from luminaires, light spread from luminaires (the less light spread then the lower the UGR), and the quantity of luminaires.
At LED Panel Store we are happy to offer a Relux Lighting Design Service – please call us on 01652 638850 or email enquiries@ledpanelstore.co.uk
See our full range of LED Panels, including UGR19 LED Panels here.
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